Finding Humor during a Pandemic: Emily Crosby Morgan COVID Diaries

Meriden McGraw is the co-founder of Quidwell where she works…
I’m Emily Crosby Morgan. My address is in Madeira, but my current situation involves living in my parent’s basement with my husband and two kids.
We are currently going through a huge home renovation that started before COVID hit- great timing! I’m training a handful of clients virtually and hope to get back into the new Studio S studio very soon!
What does a typical day look like for you?
My kids have their own room, but Steve and I wake up on a deflated air mattress, he takes the dog for a walk, and I’ll train a client most mornings. My mom, who is a retired teacher, volunteered to save our asses from homeschooling and it has been a game changer!! She homeschools our 2nd grader, and our 5th grader is fairly self-sufficient. I’ll take my time and drink my coffee then go for a run. My husband, Steve, is a singer so he’s usually working on music. I’ve been helping him with a few arrangements which has been fun, too! We try to take the kids on a hike or do something outside in the afternoons, play games, and drink wine. We watch a few shows then go to bed too late. And, repeat.
How are you feeling right now?
I have to say, I’m feeling pretty good at the moment. We’ve had some challenges and rough days, but today is good. Taking it one day at a time.
What’s been the biggest challenge?
For us, it’s been not being in our home. I know we will feel immensely grateful when we move back in!
Where are you finding joy?
Out in nature, for sure. I feel like this is always where I retreat to find joy! We are surrounded by trails, woods and meadows where my parents live so that’s been a blessing. We’ve also been making some wonderful memories with my parents (we isolated from them for a bit before we began safely interacting).
Steve and I also love to cook so we’ve been cooking some really fun dinners. We did a lobster boil last week and are going to make Thanksgiving dinner this week. It’s also been fun catching up with groups of friends on Zoom happy hours- different casts we performed with and haven’t spoken to in years, college friends, family members. There is an odd and beautiful sense of connection through this time, I think.
How are you staying healthy?
I keep up with my twice daily Ziva meditation religiously. I’ve also been following a 1/2 marathon training program with two of my girlfriends. We check in with a picture of ourselves after we complete each run. I’ve also been trying to have a positive mindset for myself and my kids. That has helped immensely.
Any funny moments of quarantine?
Here and there. Humor is a huge part of our lives so it’s important to laugh each day. Even when a tree falls on our roof mid renovation.
Meriden McGraw is the co-founder of Quidwell where she works to optimize the health of women. Outside of Quidwell, Meriden combines her master’s level education in mental and public health with her training in mind-body modalities to teach individuals and groups techniques for optimal wellbeing. Meriden holds various certifications in pranayama (breath techniques), positive psychology, mindfulness, and yoga. On an average day, Meriden can be found practicing yoga, drinking kombucha, dragging her husband to strength training workouts, and taking her pup for a walk.