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Five Podcast Episodes to Listen to on Your Next Walk

Five Podcast Episodes to Listen to on Your Next Walk

I’ve spent a lot of time recently walking, a COVID safe habit good for the body and the mind. I’ve been walking so much in fact that I now notice new hanging plant purchases, changes in lawn watering cycles, and the home repairs of my neighbors.

While taking these walks I typically pop in a podcast. While my guilty pleasure is listening to true crime, I’ve found it’s not great for my mental state. Nightmares galore. Instead, I’ve been focusing on mind expanding, educational, and inspirational pods that help me think differently about the world. Below are four episodes from four of my local podcast favorites and one national podcast episode that everyone needs to listen to right now.   

Failing Forward with Lynn Watts, Diversity and Inclusion Speaker 

Failing Forward, created by Sarah Brown, features motivational stories from Cincinnati entrepreneurs, community leaders and experts with the aim of   encouraging people to unblock their fears, move into action and become their authentic selves. If you need motivation, this podcast is for you. 

In this episode Sarah interviews Lynn Watts, a diversity and inclusion speaker and facilitator. I had the pleasure of meeting Lynn through the YWCA Rising Stars Program. Her story is powerful and her presence in inspiring. Read below for Sarah’s own description of the episode. 

“Do you ever feel ashamed of slavery, segregation or racism? Well, as Lynn says, shame is like quick sand, it gets deeper and deeper so step into courage and give people grace. She also shares a powerful story of what happened to her at Johns Hopkins while facilitating, around unconscious bias. It’s a story you won’t forget.”

Find the episode here. 

What The F*t?! Emma Schmidt – Sex & Relationship Therapist

Our girl Krissy Grote with What The F*t?! will not disappoint. On this pod Krissy interviews local and national trailblazers in the health and wellness industry about what it means to be fit–in all aspects of the word. 

This episode spoke to me because it discusses a topic we don’t normally discuss but should, sex and pelvic floors. You will learn something. I promise. Read Krissy’s description of this episode below. 

“My guest today has the only sex therapy group practice in Cincinnati. The mission is to promote healthy sexuality and great intimate relationships. She believes you deserve to have a great sex life and relationships that fire on all cylinders. Sex plays a big part in our lives and when it isn’t going well, can have a huge effect. Please welcome, certified sex therapist, Emma Schmidt, and owner of Emma Schmidt & Associates!” 

Find the episode here. 

Pound This: Staying Active And Sleep Hygiene With Dr. Monica Sullivan

Pound This, created by Amanda Valentine, discusses everything from diet, nutrition, exercise, meal prep, fitness, wellness, workouts, life coaching, and mental health advice. Amanda Valentine is down 117 pounds and maintaining — all through healthy lifestyle changes she made after a lifetime of obesity and yo-yo dieting.

I jived with this episode because it focused on something I’m so interested in learning more about, sleep. How do we get better sleep? What does sleep hygiene really mean? How can I get rid of the black circles underneath my eyes? If you too are curious about any of those questions, you should give this a listen. The episode features Dr. Monica Sullivan from The Christ Hospital Health Network. 

Find the episode here. 

Communication Junkie: Coronavirus and Health Anxiety

I recently stumbled upon this podcast and I’m glad that I did. The episodes are bite sized looks into misunderstandings and communication. The podcast is by Professor Steven Fuller, with the University of Cincinnati. 

As Steve says, “Ever wonder why misunderstandings are so common? Or why conflict often spins out of control? Curious about the secret to marital bliss? Want to become a more powerful communicator?” Give this a listen. 

The episode I listened to most recently was one focusing on COVID and health anxiety. In Steve’s words, “The coronavirus is on everyone’s mind. In this week’s episode, Steve discusses health anxiety and how the coronavirus global pandemic has affected our mental health as much as our physical health.” 

Find the episode here. 

Dismantling White Fragility

This isn’t a local find but it is extremely powerful and relevant. GOOP’s podcast hosts Robin DiAngelo, the author of White Fragility.  Read more about the episode below. 

“What part do I play?” asks Robin DiAngelo, academic and author of White Fragility. DiAngelo’s critical, urgent work asks us to question what we think we know about racism, the conversations we avoid having about racism, and the roles we might (unintentionally) be playing in upholding inequality. For example, says DiAngelo: “We white women have to stop using sexism to protect racism.” In this conversation with Elise Loehnen, DiAngelo calls on white people to let go of guilt and to pick up responsibility. When you break free from the urge to defend yourself and start doing the inner work: It can be fantastically liberating, says DiAngelo.

You can find it here. 

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