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Your True Path Counseling: Helping Women Overcome Anxiety

Your True Path Counseling: Helping Women Overcome Anxiety

I think we can all agree that if there’s ever a time to start caring for your mental health, it would be the year 2020. However, many of us are still finding barriers to seeking out professional help. I know that I personally have been struggling with the idea of finding the ideal space for my therapy session, especially since my husband and I are both working from home in our downtown condo. Alone time is rare and sporadic.

I connected with Rebecca Haney of Your True Path Counseling during quarantine. Ironically, at the start of the year she broke off from working at a larger mental health facility to start her own practice that is focused 100% on online counseling. Needless to say, while this is all a very unfortunate situation, Rebecca found herself in the right space at the right time.

I’ve spoken to a few mental health counselors and, where they all agree that in-person therapy is typically preferred, they have found that their clients have been able to get the help that they need through virtual counseling as well. The trick? Consistency, and creating the most ideal space possible to take your call.

Whether it’s lighting a candle in your closet with soft music playing, visiting a park and taking your call in your car or on a park bench, or asking your loved one to take the kids to run errands during your hour so that you can have uninterrupted time spent. All are great options that will help you get in the right head space to focus on your session. Best of all? You are in YOUR safe space and can control your own environment to set yourself up for success.

Okay, back to Rebecca. What was so refreshing about my conversation with her is her reasoning behind starting her own practice. She believes in holistic health approaches to caring for her patients, and oftentimes will incorporate essential oils, crystals, chakra balancing and tapping approaches to help care for her clients. Her goal is to incorporate clinical treatments with alternative healing modalities to provide optimal care for each individual.

Our conversation quickly turned into a mini-therapy session of my own as at the time, I was dealing with a ton of insecurity and fear of the unknown (hello, 2020). Her advice? To refocus on what I CAN control: my relationship with myself.

Rebecca is open to treating everyone, but her bread and butter is women in their 20s 30s and 40s who deal with anxiety, a lack of self-confidence and self-worth, and have relationship issues. She’s all about the “big picture work” for those who may feel lost or purposeless.

Rebecca offers free 20-minute consultations to discuss if working with her is a part of “your true path”. Give her a shout at to schedule.

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